Qt Creator 3.6 RC1 released

We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 3.6 RC1.

Since the beta, we have fixed many bugs, including an ugly, evasive crash that could happen on code completion, depending on how you used the mouse while typing function arguments (QTCREATORBUG-15275).

We simplified the activation of the Clang code model, and added a global option for additional arguments. You can for example use this to disable warnings that you do not care about, or to enable warnings that Qt Creator disables by default.

For an overview of what has changed in 3.6 compared to 3.5 please take a look at the Qt Creator 3.6 Beta1 blog post or our change log.

You find the opensource version on the Qt download page, and commercially licensed packages on the Qt Account Portal. Please post issues in our bug tracker. You can also find us on IRC on #qt-creator on irc.freenode.net, and on the Qt Creator mailing list.

Note: Starting with Qt Creator 3.6 we no longer provide prebuilt binaries for Linux 32-bit. Building Qt Creator on that platform is still supported though.

The post Qt Creator 3.6 RC1 released appeared first on Qt Blog.

Source :- Qt Blog http://ift.tt/1Sm9QWC

Qt Quick Controls Re-engineered – Status Update

Since announcing research on Qt Quick Controls optimized for embedded use, we’ve made good progress towards achieving feature parity with the original Qt Quick Controls. We’ve also added some new controls that didn’t exist (Drawer, RangeSlider, and SwipeView, to name a few).

The previous blog post cited performance reasons as the motivation for having one fixed style. However, we have found a way to make multiple styles available without sacrificing performance. So far, two new styles have been merged, implementing both Google’s Material Design and Microsoft’s Universal Design.



Material style


Universal style

It’s important to note that these styles are not claiming to be native, but instead a 100% cross-platform implementation of the Material and Universal design guidelines. For example, the Material style does not adapt to any Sony or Samsung theme on Android. You can run these styles on any platform and they will look more or less identical.

We’re also working on a neutral, optimised base style, and a fancier “Qt” style, both in cooperation with our designers.

Earlier, we talked about separating the C++ logic and the visual QML layer. Thanks to the feedback from our users, we have realized the power of a pure C++ logic layer and have decided to expose it separately for those wanting to build their own custom user experience. We’ve named this layer “templates”. A template is the foundation of a control. They encapsulate the behaviour of controls and provide an interface for styles to do their thing, allowing a true separation of concerns. For an introduction to this concept, take a look at the following video taken from the 2015 Qt World Summit:

The styling system now uses a technique similar to file selectors to choose which style to load at application startup. There are currently two ways to choose the application style:

  • An environment variable:
  • The “-style” application argument:
    -style material

A manifest file for specifying the preferred style and style-specific attributes is also being considered as a future addition.

The more complex beasts like TableView and TreeView are on our to-do list. We realise that these are some of the most important controls, remaining quite relevant even on touch devices. Given the great opportunity that we have (to completely redesign all of the controls), we’d like to take the time to design these particular controls to be as lean as possible. After all, they are typically showing the most data. Not using Loaders has already given us a substantial head start in this area.

Popups are also getting some love, with a new approach that uses Qt Quick items instead of native top-level windows. What this means is that:

  • All platforms will have full access to menus, even embedded systems that don’t support multiple top-level windows.
  • Controls like ComboBox will be fully styleable, which was not possible with native windows in Qt Quick Controls.
  • Internal focus and key event handling is simplified.
  • It is easier to auto test things like menus, resulting in greater test coverage.
  • Popups will be bound to the window in which they were created.

Controls that will take advantage of this approach include Menu, ComboBox and PieMenu, with ToolTip also being considered as a new addition.

Finally, with the new infrastructure, we’ve decided to consolidate some of the controls from Qt Quick Extras into the module, resulting in one less import to remember. Not all of the controls made the cut, as we’d like to get an idea of which of these are in demand so that we can focus on the core areas of the module. Creating suggestions on our bug tracker (under the component “QtQuick: Controls 2“) is a great way to let us know what you’d like to see as part of the offering.

Here’s a small example of a Qt Labs Controls application:

import Qt.labs.controls 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true

    Button {
        text: "Hello World!"

We will be releasing a technical preview of the new controls in Qt 5.6 (with the working title of Qt Labs Controls), with a proper release planned for 5.7. We’ve had some early adopters trying out what we have so far, and giving us feedback via the bug tracker, which is great! If you’d like to do the same, try out the latest Qt 5.6 snapshot.

The post Qt Quick Controls Re-engineered – Status Update appeared first on Qt Blog.

Source :- Qt Blog http://ift.tt/1QZZMnw

Embedded Linux news in Qt 5.6

With Qt 5.6 approaching, it is time to look at some of the new exciting features for systems running an Embedded Linux variant, just like we did for Qt 5.5 a while ago.

Support for NVIDIA Jetson Pro boards

Boards like the Jetson TK1 Pro running a Yocto-generated Vibrante Linux image have support for X11, Wayland, and even running with plain EGL without a full windowing system. The latter is accomplished by doing modesetting via the well-known DRM/KMS path and combining it with the EGL device extensions. This is different than what the eglfs platform plugin’s existing KMS backend, relying on GBM, offers. Therefore Qt 5.5 is not functional in this environment. For more information on the details, check out this presentation.

Wayland presents a similar challenge: while Weston works fine due to having been patched by NVIDIA, Qt-based compositors built with the Qt Compositor framework cannot function out of the box since the compositor has to use the EGLStream APIs instead of Mesa’s traditional EGLImage-based path.

With Qt 5.6 this is all going to change. With the introduction of a new eglfs backed based on EGLDevice + EGLOutput + EGLStream, Qt applications will just work, similarly to other embedded boards:

eglfs on the Jetson K1 Pro

The well-known Qt Cinematic Experience demo running with Qt 5.6 and eglfs on a Jetson K1 Pro

Cross-compilation is facilitated by the new device makespec linux-jetson-tk1-pro-g++.

Wayland is going to be fully functional too, thanks to the patches that add support for EGL_KHR_stream, EGL_KHR_stream_cross_process_fd, and EGL_KHR_stream_consumer_gltexture in the existing wayland-egl backend of Qt Compositor.

Wayland on the Jetson with Qt

The qwindow-compositor example running on the Jetson with some Qt clients

All this is not the end of the story. There is room for future improvements, for example when it comes to supporting multiple outputs and direct rendering (i.e. skipping GL-based compositing and connecting the stream directly to an output layer à la eglfs to improve performance). These will be covered in future Qt releases.

Note that Wayland support on the Jetson should be treated as a technical preview for the time being. Compositors using the unofficial C++ APIs, like the qwindow-compositor example shown above, will work fine. However, QML and Qt Quick support is still work in progress at the time of writing.

Support for Intel NUC

Some of the Intel NUC devices make an excellent embedded platform too, thanks to the meta-intel and the included meta-nuc layers for Yocto. While these are ordinary x86-64 targets, they can be treated and used like ARM-based boards. When configuring Qt for cross-compilation, use the new linux-nuc-g++ device spec. Graphics-wise everything is expected to work like on an Intel GPU-based desktop system running Mesa. This includes both eglfs (using the DRM/KMS/GBM backend introduced in Qt 5.5) and Wayland.

Wayland on boards based on the i.MX6

Systems based on Freescale’s i.MX6 processors include a Vivante GC2000 GPU and driver support for Wayland. Qt applications have traditionally been working fine on the Weston reference compositor, see for example this previous post for Qt 5.4, but getting Qt-based compositors up and running is somewhat tricky due to some driver specifics that do not play well with QPA and eglfs. With Qt 5.6 this issue is eliminated as well: in addition to the regular Vivante-specific backend (eglfs_viv), eglfs now has an additional backend (eglfs_viv_wl) which transparently ensures proper functionality when running compositor applications built with the Qt Compositor framework. This backend will need to be requested explicitly, so for example to run the qwindow-compositor example, do QT_QPA_EGLFS_INTEGRATION=eglfs_viv_wl ./qwindow-compositor -platform eglfs (the -platform can likely be omitted since eglfs is typically the default).

OpenGL ES 3.0 and 3.1

As presented earlier, OpenGL ES 3 support is greatly enhanced in Qt 5.6. Using the new QOpenGLExtraFunctions class applications targeting embedded devices with GLES 3 capable drivers can now take the full API into use in a cross-platform manner.


Qt 5.5 introduced support for libinput when it comes to getting input events from keyboards, mice, touchpads, and touchscreens. Qt 5.6 takes this one step further: when libinput is available at build time, it will be set as the default choice in eglfs and linuxfb, replacing Qt’s own evdevkeyboard, mouse, and touch backends.

In some rare cases this will not be desirable (for example when using evdevkeyboard-specific keyboard layouts from the Qt 4 QWS times), and therefore the QT_QPA_EGLFS_NO_LIBINPUT environment variable is provided as a means to disable this and force the pre-5.6 behavior.

That’s it for now. Hope you will find the new Embedded Linux features useful. Happy hacking!

P.S. the Qt World Summit 2015 had a number of exciting talks regarding embedded development, for example Qt for Device Creation, Choosing the right Embedded Linux platform for your next project and many more. Browse the full session list here.

The post Embedded Linux news in Qt 5.6 appeared first on Qt Blog.

Source :- Qt Blog http://ift.tt/1LjjXFO